This year’s Cardboard Regatta was held on Saturday, July 2nd. The weather was warm and even though there was a chance of storms that day, Mother Nature treated us to an excellent day to hold our event.
Today’s event was a great success! Big thanks to everyone that helped out this year! Congrats to all the winners (both kids and adults)! Proceeds for this year’s event are going to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight program. Already looking forward to next year’s event!
You can find photos of the event on the Photos page as well as videos in the Cardboard Regatta 2022 on our YouTube channel.
FYI: there may still be some shirts still available so if you are interested, be sure to contact John Finnell at your earliest convenience.
Anchor Boat Club will be hosting a Cardboard Regatta on Lake Springfield. We will have a premade cardboard boat race, a two-hour build-on-site race, a children’s kayak race, and an adult standup paddleboard race. We invite everyone to come out and compete or just watch and enjoy the afternoon. All profits from the race and raffle will be donated to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight. For information about competing, please see the Anchor Boat Club Facebook page or contact John Finnell at abccardboardregatta@abcadmin