Anchor Boat Club will be hosting a Cardboard Regatta on Lake Springfield. We will have a premade cardboard boat race, a two-hour build-on-site race, a children’s kayak race, and an adult standup paddleboard race. We invite everyone to come out and compete or just watch and enjoy the afternoon. All profits from the race and raffle will be donated to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight. For information about competing, please see the Anchor Boat Club Facebook page or contact John Finnell at abccardboardregatta@abcadmin
Come out and enjoy fun games and some cold drinks at the Anchor Boat, Saturday 9/11. Teams of 4 $20. All proceeds go to Concerns of Police Survivors. This year honors the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Annual Breakfast with Santa kids party! Breakfast will be served from 8:30-10:00 am. Children meals are free and adults are $4.00. Meal will include pancakes, sausage and bacon, drinks included. Santa will arrive at 10:00 am, please bring a gift for your child with his or her name it. Santa will distribute the gifts to the kids! Thanks again!
The 2017 Rib, Chicken & Bloody Mary Throwdown is set for Sept 16th if you are interested in registering for this years event see the flyer, rules and registration form. Please send in registration form completed with check or cash ASAP we will only take up to 40 cooks for this years event.
Rules and show up times are like they have been in the past with the addition of an OPEN class, meaning cook anything you want and turn in 6 samples at the time you turn in your ribs they will be judged with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places awarded. To enter this category it will be an additional $15.00. As in years past if you could plan to set up the Friday night before the event it helps greatly, all equipment is safe as we have police and members monitor the event area through out the night.