The Anchor Boat Club will be hosting a Trivia Night on November 18th to raise money for new playground equipment.
Cost is $10/person with a maximum of 8 players per team. Each team will have the opportunity to purchase mulligans (otherwise known as free answers). Cost will be $20 for 10 free answers (only one mulligan can be used per round).
Doors open at 6:30pm. Gameplay begins at 7:00pm. 10 rounds with 10 questions each round. Players will have two breaks (after rounds 3 & 7). 1st Prize winning team will receive $160.00. 2nd Prize winning team receives $120.00. Whether you are highly competitive or simply looking to flex your brain muscle, we want EVERYONE to come out and have a good time!
Players may bring their own food but drinks will need to be purchased at the bar (our bartenders are AWESOME!). If you have any questions, please feel free to respond here or contact Amy Reynolds/Gary Bach for more information.
Seating may be limited so we please ask players register for the Trivia Night by visiting the following page and filling out the necessary information.