The Anchor Boat Club April 2018 newsletter is now available!
All posts by Gary Bach
ABC March 2018 Newsletter
The Anchor Boat Club March Newsletter is now available!
February Newsletter Addendum
The following article was unintentionally left out of the February Newsletter and will be printed in the March Newsletter. Apologies to the Auxiliary.
Anchor Boat Club Ladies Auxiliary
After many, many, many years, the Anchor Boat Club Ladies Auxiliary is no longer. Due to the hard work and dedication of so many who have stepped forward to serve as officers we were able to keep it going this long. The lack of interest and support led to the decision to close it down. Over the years, the auxiliary has provided many social functions for the club and provided monetary support for many worthwhile projects within the club. If you enjoyed the beautiful flowers on the front patio and deck, you can thank the auxiliary. We also provided many children’s events such as the Trunk or Treat, the Breakfast with Santa and the Easter party. Good times were had by all!! We provided support for the Operation Payback and many other charitable organizations within the community. We are sad to see it go. But we all agreed it was just time. We hope the Anchor Boat Club membership will continue to support the children’s parties, flower pots and any other endeavor supported by the auxiliary. Thank you for all the auxiliary members and club members who have supported us along the way. You know who you are!
ABC February 2018 Newsletter
The Anchor Boat Club February Newsletter is now available!
January 2018 Newsletter
The Anchor Boat Club January Newsletter is now available!
December 2017 Newsletter
The Anchor Boat Club December Newsletter is now available!